Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Annette Lambeth, A Career in Special Education

My name is  Annette Lambeth, and I have been working in special education throughout my career. Growing up I was often told of how rewarding the teaching profession could be, and what a joy it is to watch children develop and reach their full potential. However, it is not clear just how rewarding it is until you take the plunge into the world of education. In my case, what makes the job even more rewarding is working with children with learning disadvantages. Whilst we have a good standard education system in the US which rewards those without problems, being able to help those with special education needs it even more rewarding than I ever could have imagines it would be.

I, Annette Godfrey Lambeth, began my interest in this field when I graduated from Immaculata University 4.0 GPA. My field was in Educational Administration and Leadership as a Doctoral program, and gave me vital insights into how the education system operated in the US today. It was during my time on the course that my interest in disadvantaged children's education began to blossom. I wrote what became an influential paper titled “Learning Style preferences for Secondary Students identified with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” The aim of the paper was to explore how teachers and educational institutions could better facilitate the learning of children specifically with ADHD. ADHD is one of the most common learning disadvantages suffered by children in the modern age, and is all too often combated with prescription drugs. The hopes of myself and colleagues is that one day teaching methods and ideas will mean these children will be able to work in a comfortable and conducive environment to learning without the need for things like Adderhall.

Following my graduation from Immaculata University, I spent 19 years as a School Administrator, including Assistant Principal, Principal, Director of Special Education and Executive Director of Student Support Services. This gave me the valuable experience needed to further my knowledge of special education, and gave me a chance to work with some of the most wonderful children I have ever worked with.

Last year I developed Special Education Summer Symposium in an effort to recruit, retain and support new teachers to the field of Special Education. I feel that this is an important step to make to ensure the longevity of good teachers in the special education industry, to help progress the industry further and help as many children as we can along the way. To find out more about the symposium or my work visit Annette Lambeth's Bio

Monday, 12 September 2016

Annette Lambeth, Novel Approaches to Tackling Disadvantaged Learners

A general trend towards the progression of human societies is the development of services, programs and methods to help those most in need. The positive side of human history can be seen as an attempt to help reduce suffering and support people to help give them the best opportunities in life. This is particularly present in the education system. 100 years ago, learning disadvantages such as ADHD would not have been recognized or diagnosed, subjecting the children with it to having no hope of gaining anything from the education system. Whilst it is not perfect today, we have seen a marked climb towards improving the standards and methods of how we work with children with learning disadvantages, and for myself, Annette Godfrey Lambeth, has been the focus of my career and higher education.

If you'd like to find out more about my career and work in education follow the link here to Annette Lambeth - Be Determined. Today, people like myself continue to commit towards developing new and innovative approaches to helping children with learning disadvantages make the most out of their education. During my time at Immaculata University, I published what would go on to become a highly regarded paper, named “Learning Style preferences for Secondary Students identified with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” What the paper aimed to explore was how we could incorporate new teaching methods into the classroom that not only allowed the brightest students to thrive fro the syllabus, but also those with disadvantages such as ADHD. The project, as is the aim of much of my work today, was to help level the playing field I education.

I, Annette Godfrey Lambeth, as well as others who work in my industry, believe that the next step education must make to benefit all is to be more inclusive to children of all abilities. To do so, we must retain the brightest talent in the industry and help support those who work so hard to support the children who need it most. It was with this in mind that I developed a  Special Education Summer Symposium in an effort to recruit, retain and support new teachers to the field of Special Education. The aim was to help teachers and industry professionals build on their skills and network with others to help build the vital support systems that help the industry thrive. To find out more about the symposium and more visit Annette Godfrey Lambeth Official account on We Heart It